Copenhagen Publishing House Apps

Bible for Children 1.0.1
My First Bible Story app is a children's Biblefor kids ages 2 and up. This new Bible app for kids is a thoroughretelling of the Old Testament and New Testament.5 FREE Bible Stories Included:# THE CREATION & FALL (Included in first download)The stories are divided into 18 thematically arranged bundles tomake a good and simple overview. One bundles is COMPLETELY FREE(“The Creation & Fall” ). The following 17 bundles (and 95stories) can be purchased for as little as USD 1.00 for eachbundle. However, if you are ready to purchase the full completeversion with all remaining 95 stories after seeing the FREEbundles, you can make a single purchase of all books and save 40 %compared to purchasing the bundles individually. Totally the appcontains 18 bundles covering the most important stories from theOld & New Testament.# Each of the stories is presented with a camera screen, whichmoves across the screen.# Colorful illustrations# Wonderful theme music engaging the reading experience (music canbe turned on and off in settings in the settings)# Easy, kid-friendly design# Covers most of the Bible – 100 Stories in FULL VERSION# The stories come with a read-a-loud pre-recorded English voicefor the text of the stories (voice can be turned on and off in thesettings).Through beautifully illustrations suitable for the age group andthe most beautiful music themes, kids will enjoy a specialdedicated listening and reading experience as the images are movingand zooming inn and out. This makes it a really marvelous readingexperience for early readers. It is an app where God’s Living Wordreally can make the stories come alive by focusing on theimaginative and narrative nature of reading/listening. Easy to useand kid friendly navigation encourages early readers to returnagain and again to these timeless stories from our Bible.My First Bible Story App is launched in May 2014 © by CopenhagenPublishing House, Copenhagen, DenmarkIllustrated by Jakob KramerRetold by Michael BerghofMusic by Christian EhlersRead by Laura ZeitnerCopenhagen Publishing focuses on publishing children's Biblestories, and we have seen our titles translated into more than 35languages, and they are being sold to over 50 countries. Please,read more about us at and see more ofour apps available for download.
Children's Bible for Toddlers 1.0.3
Children’s Bible for Toddlers is aninteractive Bible app with touch activated elements and sounds onevery page. The stories are retold in short simple words focusingon the illustrative and interactive modes toddlers love. Artwork iscreated by the Danish artist Jakob Kramer and the stories areretold by Karin & Torben Juhl.Children’s Bible for Toddlers is an updated version of our“Toddlers Bible” which has downloaded over 100.000 times on Androidalone. We are confident you will like the updated version with newnarrator’s voice and touch activated sound effects.Includes all of the following:# 5 Bible Stories free of charge.# 18 Bible Stories which can be purchased through in apppurchase.# Short simple paraphrase retellings suitable for childrenages 0-4.# Over 140 touch activated animations with captivatingsound effects and music.# Three self-recording options so children and their parentscan record their own voice version of the stories.OLD TESTAMENT STORIES INCLUDED:In the Beginning (Genesis 1-2)Noah’s Big Boat (Genesis 6-9)Abraham a Special Journey (Genesis 12)Jacob’s Dream (Genesis 28)Moses in The Basket (Exodus 2)The Exodus – Through the Red Sea (Exodus 14)The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-32)The Fall of Jericho (Joshua 6)Samson the Super-Strong (Judges 13-16)David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)Queen Esther (The book of Esther)Jonah and the Big Fish (The book of Jonah)Daniel’s Friends in the Burning Oven (Daniel 3)Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)NEW TESTAMENT STORIESJesus is Born in Bethlehem (Luke 2)Jesus is Teaching (Mark 10)Jesus is Healing (Luke 8)Jesus Feeds the People (Matthew 14)Jesus Calms The Storm (Luke 8)The Last Supper (Luke 22)Jesus is Crucified (Luke 23)Jesus is Alive! (Mark 16 John 20)The Ascension of Jesus (Matthew 28, Luke 24)This app is based on the bestselling toddlers Bible "The CarryAlong Bible" which is sold in more than 400.000 copiesworldwide.About usThe text has been through a theological editorial process tofaithfully reflect the Bible and Christian tradition. Thischaracterizes all products of Copenhagen Publishing, which is aninternational Christian publisher of Bible books for children andApp concepts which are sold internationally to more than 50countries and translated in over 35 languages.We would love to hear from you!Please help us to continue to develop better app concepts and Biblebooks by sending us your feedback and leavingyour reviews. Be assured we do read them all. We are constantlylooking for ways we can improve ourselves and the rapidly growingrange of digital products we will launch in the near future. Welook much forward hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Michael Berghof/Publisherwww.copenhagenpublishing.comemail: Sounds used from
الكتاب المقدس للاطفال الصغار 1.0.2
الكتاب المقدَّس للأطفال الصغار هو تطبيقٌتفاعليٌّ يحتوي على عناصرَ تعملُ باللمس، وأصواتٍ في كلِّ صفحةيستمتعُ بها الأطفال الصغار. تُروى القصص بجملٍالكتاب المقدَّسللأطفال الصغار هو تطبيقٌ تفاعليٌّ يحتوي على عناصرَ تعملُ باللمس،وأصواتٍ في كلِّ صفحة يستمتعُ بها الأطفال الصغار. تُروى القصص بجملٍقصيرة وبسيطة تركِّز على الأساليب التفاعليَّة والرسومات الملوَّنةالجذَّابة التي يحبُّها الصغار، مع إمكانيَّة أن تُسمَعَ القصصُ عبرخاصيَّة القراءة الذاتيَّةيحتوي التطبيق على الخصائص التاليةعشرون قصَّةً من الكتاب المقدَّس برسومات ملوَّنة مُفعمةٍبالحياةجمل قصيرةٌ مبسَّطة على نحوٍ يلائم الأطفال الصغارخمسون عنصرًا متحرِّكًا تعملُ باللمس ترافقُها مؤثِّرات صوتيَّةممتعةقائمة المحتوياتحين خلقَ الله العالَمفُلك نوحبرجٌ مرتفعٌموسى في السلَّةالخروجُ من مِصرالوصايا العشرأسوارُ أريحاشمشونداوُدُ وجُلياتدانيال والأسوديونان والحوتولادةُ يسوعصيدٌ كثيرٍ من السمكعَبْرَ السَّقْف إلى يسوعيسوعُ يُطعِمُ الناسيسوع يُهدِّئ العاصفةلِعازر قُمْيسوعُ على الصليبيسوعُ حيّالصعودُ إلى السَّماءBible for young childrenis an interactive application that contains the elements of touch,and sounds on every page enjoyed by young children. Tell storiesBjmlaketab sacred for young children is an interactive applicationthat contains the elements of touch, and sounds on every pageenjoyed by young children. Tell stories short and simple sentencesfocus on interactive methods colorful graphics attractive loved byyoung, with the possibility to hear the stories throughself-reading feature The application contains the following featuresTwenty story of the Bible colorful drawings livelyShort sentences simplified in a way that fits toddlersFifty element moving touch, accompanied by sound effects fun Table of ContentsWhen God created the worldNoah's ArkHigh towerMoses in the basketExodus from EgyptTen CommandmentsThe walls of JerichoSamsonDavid and GoliathDaniel BlackJonah and the WhaleJesus' birthMany of the fish catchThrough the roof to JesusJesus fed peopleJesus calms the stormLazarus thenJesus on the crossJesus neighborhoodStairway to Heaven
Bible: Lift-The-Flap-Bible 1.0.2
NEWS: After the big success of this app wehave just launched our next app: Children's Bible for Toddlers.Lift-The-Flap Bible Stories is a classic concept which childrenlove. This is a new and interactive Bible app with touch activatedflaps-to-open and sounds on every page. Lift The Flap Bible Storieskeeps toddlers and preschoolers busy as they learn best-loved Biblestories. Little fingers are helped through the stories by followingthe little star which leads through the stories as they touch andsee what is hiding behind the flaps. Touching each of the 40 flapswill be a both fun and a great learning experience at the same timebecause the hidden surprises behind each flap will make it easierto remember the point of the story!Lift The Flap Bible Stories includes all of the following# 4 Free children's Bible stories illustrated with bright vibrantartwork by Jakob Kramer# 6 Bible stories which can be purchased through "in apppurchase".# 40 touch-activated flaps-to-open which shows the hidden behindthe scene point of the story# Bible stories retold faithfully by American Christian teacher,Dawn Mueller# Over 35 fun sounds and music themes for each of the storiesContent# The Story of Creation (Genesis 1-2)# Noah’s Big Boat (Genesis 6-9)# Moses--God’s Chosen Leader! (Exodus 3-20, Numbers 21)# Daniel and His Friends (Daniel 3-6)# Jonah and the Great Fish (The Book of Jonah)# When Jesus Was Born (Luke 2 + Matthew 2)# Jesus is Baptized (Mark 1:1-12)# The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11)# The Miracles of Jesus: Jairus’ Daugther (Luke 8:40-56); The LameMan Through the Roof (Mark 2:1-12); Jesus Feeds 5000 (John 6:1-14);Stilling the Storm; (Mark 4:35-41), The Big Catch of Fish (Luke5:1-11)# Stories Jesus Told: The Good Samaritan Neighbour (Luke 10:25-37);The House on Sand & Solid Rock (Matthew 7:24-27); The LostCoin, Lost Sheep & Lost Son (Luke 15).# The Story of Easter (Matthew 28, John 20)About usThe text has been through a theological editorial process tofaithfully reflect the Bible text and Christian tradition. Thischaracterizes all products of Copenhagen Publishing, which is aninternational Christian publisher of Bible books for children andApp concepts which are sold internationally to more than 40countries. We want all our books to be trustworthy resources forchildren and families as they get to know more about God theBible.Please also download our free app "Toddler bible" in googleplay.We would love to hear from you!Please help us to continue to develop better app concepts and Biblebooks by sending us your feedback and leaving your reviews. Beassured we do read them all. We are constantly looking for ways wecan improve ourselves and the rapidly growing range of digitalproducts we will launch in the near future. Thank you in advance.We look much forward hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Michael Berghof/Publisherwww.copenhagenpublishing.comemail: info@copenhagenpublishing.comMusic and effects by Christian EhlersIllustrated by Jakob Kramer
Toddler Bible 1.0
NEWS: After the big success of this app wehave just launched our next app: Children's Bible for Toddlers.This is the updated version of this app: angry lions roaring in the story of Daniel in the lionsden! See Jesus in the boat as he stills the storm, meet little babyMoses in the basket or see when the walls of Jericho came tremblingdown when Joshua told his men to blow the horns! And many morestories…THE PRINTED BOARD BOOK VERSION OF THE CARRY ALONG BIBLE HASALREADY SOLD TO MORE THAN 40 COUNTRIES in 500.000 copies. NOW ITHAS BEEN TURNED INTO A FUN FILLED APP FOR TODDLERS AGES 0-4.# The recording menu has three different recording options sochildren can read and record their own voice or have their parents,brother, sister or a good friend to read the stories and recordtheir voices for them.# Young readers are walked through important events of our Biblefrom Old and New Testament; from creation to the ascension of Jesus(see content page). Each of the stories are retold in a simpleshort summary of the Bible text - in a language toddlersunderstand.# The 23 stories/illustrations comes with exciting gifanimations and fun sounds along with the pre-recorded Englishtext.The menu buttons of this App are designed for toddlers and earlyreaders to easily navigate the menu so they can have the storiesread to them while watching the beautiful illustrations.With exciting sounds, bright bold artwork and fun gif animationsof the Bible stories this Toddler Bible App will be a favourite fortoddlers and parents!Yours sincerely,Michael Berghof/PublisherLaunched in August 2011 by Copenhagen Publishing House,Copenhagen, DenmarkCopenhagen Publishing focuses on publishing Bible stories forchildren and we have seen our titles translate into more than 25languages and they are being sold to over 35 countries. Please,read more about us at and see moreApps available for download.WEB: www.copenhagenpublishing.comContact: info@copenhagenpublishing.comCopenhagen Publishing House, Denmark
My Little Bible 1.0.1
My Little Bible is an interactive Bible appwith touch activated elements and sounds on every page whichtoddlers can enjoy. The stories are retold in short simplesentences focusing on the illustrative and interactive modes thattoddlers love. Artwork is created by British children’s artist,Gill Guile, and the stories are faithfully retold by Christianteacher, Dawn Mueller.Includes all of the following:# 5 Bibles Stories free of charge# 15 Bibles stories which can be purchased inside the app.# Short simple paraphrase retellings suitable for toddlers# 50 touch activated animations with captivating sound effects andmusic# Text on/off button so the illustrations and interactive modes canbe fully enjoyed# Thre self-recording options so children and their parents can aversion using their own voices versionContentWhen God Made The World (Genesis 1-2), Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9), ATall Tower (Genesis 11), Moses in the Basket (Exodus 2), Out ofEgypt (Exodus 7-12), The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-32), The Wallsof Jericho (Joshua 1-6), Samson (Judges 13-16), David and Goliath(1 Samuel 17), Daniel and the Lions (Daniel 6), Jonah and the GreatFish (Jonah 1-4), Jesus is Born (Luke 2), The Big Catch of Fish(Luke 5), Through the Roof to Jesus (Mark 2), Jesus Feeds thePeople (Luke 9), Jesus Stills The Storm (Luke 8), Lazarus, Wake Up!(John 11), Jesus is Crucified (Matthew 27), Jesus is Alive!(Matthew 27-28), Going Back to Heaven (Matthew 28, Acts 1 &Revelation 21)About usThe text has been through a theological editorial process tofaithfully reflect the Bible and Christian tradition. Thischaracterizes all products of Copenhagen Publishing, which is aninternational Christian publisher of Bible books for children andApp concepts which are sold internationally to more than 40countries.We would love to hear from you!Please help us to continue to develop better app concepts and Biblebooks by sending us your feedback and leaving your reviews. Beassured we do read them all. We are constantly looking for ways wecan improve ourselves and the rapidly growing range of digitalproducts we will launch in the near future. We look much forwardhearing from you.Yours sincerely,Michael Berghof/Publisherwww.copenhagenpublishing.comemail: info@copenhagenpublishing.comc) Sounds used from